Perfect Image Printing


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What Does Good Marketing Sound Like?

Posted on: November 9th, 2015 by Ira Jackson

I recently heard a fascinating NPR segment on insect communication. It got me thinking about what all of us in marketing and development try to do: Send out the right vibrations at the right frequency. Not surprisingly, Mother Nature has some great insights for us.

Just like our insect friends in this segment, our human constituents are instinctively good at recognizing the exact things they’re looking for. Insects are discerning in their communication, and for good reason: If they get it wrong, they’re toast. Sound familiar? As marketers, our survival also depends on sending out the encoded messages our constituents need to hear. When we do that, nature tells us they will respond.

At Perfect Image, we’ve been helping clients tap into the right frequencies for more than three decades. In education, the nonprofit sector and the small business arena, we help clients hear what this segment makes clear: You don’t have to weigh a ton to rumble.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did…

Good Vibrations Key to Insect Communication

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